Source code for pyNNsMD.models.mlp_eg

Tensorflow keras model definitions for energy and gradient.

There are two definitions: the subclassed EnergyGradientModel and a precomputed model to 
multiply with the feature derivative for training, which overwrites training/predict step.

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras as ks

from pyNNsMD.layers.features import FeatureGeometric
from pyNNsMD.layers.gradients import EmptyGradient
from pyNNsMD.layers.mlp import MLP
from pyNNsMD.layers.normalize import DummyLayer

[docs]class EnergyGradientModel(ks.Model): """Subclassed tf.keras.model for energy/gradient which outputs both energy and gradient from coordinates. The model is supposed to be saved and exported for MD code. """
[docs] def __init__(self, states=1, atoms=2, invd_index=None, angle_index=None, dihed_index=None, nn_size=100, depth=3, activ='selu', use_reg_activ=None, use_reg_weight=None, use_reg_bias=None, use_dropout=False, dropout=0.01, normalization_mode=1, energy_only=False, precomputed_features=False, output_as_dict=False, model_module="mlp_e", **kwargs): """Initialize Layer. Args: states: atoms: invd_index: angle_index: dihed_index: nn_size: depth: activ: use_reg_activ: use_reg_weight: use_reg_bias: use_dropout: dropout: **kwargs: """ super(EnergyGradientModel, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.in_invd_index = invd_index self.in_angle_index = angle_index self.in_dihed_index = dihed_index self.nn_size = nn_size self.depth = depth self.activ = activ self.use_reg_activ = use_reg_activ self.use_reg_weight = use_reg_weight self.use_reg_bias = use_reg_bias self.use_dropout = use_dropout self.dropout = dropout self.energy_only = energy_only self.output_as_dict = output_as_dict self.eg_atoms = int(atoms) self.eg_states = int(states) self.normalization_mode = normalization_mode self.model_module = model_module out_dim = int(states) indim = int(atoms) # Allow for all distances, backward compatible if isinstance(invd_index, bool): if invd_index: invd_index = [[i, j] for i in range(0, int(atoms)) for j in range(0, i)] use_invd_index = len(invd_index) > 0 if isinstance(invd_index, list) or isinstance(invd_index, np.ndarray) else False use_angle_index = len(angle_index) > 0 if isinstance(angle_index, list) or isinstance(angle_index, np.ndarray) else False use_dihed_index = len(dihed_index) > 0 if isinstance(dihed_index, list) or isinstance(dihed_index, np.ndarray) else False invd_index = np.array(invd_index, dtype=np.int64) if use_invd_index else None angle_index = np.array(angle_index, dtype=np.int64) if use_angle_index else None dihed_index = np.array(dihed_index, dtype=np.int64) if use_dihed_index else None invd_shape = invd_index.shape if use_invd_index else None angle_shape = angle_index.shape if use_angle_index else None dihed_shape = dihed_index.shape if use_dihed_index else None self.feat_layer = FeatureGeometric(invd_shape=invd_shape, angle_shape=angle_shape, dihed_shape=dihed_shape, name="feat_geo" ) self.feat_layer.set_mol_index(invd_index, angle_index, dihed_index) if normalization_mode == 1: self.std_layer = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization(name='feat_std') elif normalization_mode == 2: self.std_layer = tf.keras.layers.LayerNormalization(name='feat_std') else: self.std_layer = DummyLayer() self.mlp_layer = MLP(nn_size, dense_depth=depth, dense_bias=True, dense_bias_last=True, dense_activ=activ, dense_activ_last=activ, dense_activity_regularizer=use_reg_activ, dense_kernel_regularizer=use_reg_weight, dense_bias_regularizer=use_reg_bias, dropout_use=use_dropout, dropout_dropout=dropout, name='mlp' ) self.energy_layer = ks.layers.Dense(out_dim, name='energy', use_bias=True, activation='linear') self.force = EmptyGradient(mult_states=out_dim, atoms=indim, name='force') # Will be differentiated in fit/predict/evaluate # Need to build model already to set std layer self.precomputed_features = False, indim, 3)) self.precomputed_features = precomputed_features
[docs] def call(self, data, training=False, **kwargs): """Call the model output, forward pass. Args: data (tf.tensor): Coordinates. training (bool, optional): Training Mode. Defaults to False. Returns: y_pred (list): List of tf.tensor for predicted [energy,gradient] """ # Unpack the data x = data y_pred = None if self.energy_only and not self.precomputed_features: feat_flat = self.feat_layer(x) feat_flat_std = self.std_layer(feat_flat, training=training) temp_hidden = self.mlp_layer(feat_flat_std, training=training) temp_e = self.energy_layer(temp_hidden) temp_g = self.force(x) y_pred = [temp_e, temp_g] elif not self.energy_only and not self.precomputed_features: with tf.GradientTape() as tape2: feat_flat = self.feat_layer(x) feat_flat_std = self.std_layer(feat_flat, training=training) temp_hidden = self.mlp_layer(feat_flat_std, training=training) temp_e = self.energy_layer(temp_hidden) temp_g = tape2.batch_jacobian(temp_e, x) _ = self.force(x) y_pred = [temp_e, temp_g] elif self.precomputed_features and not self.energy_only: x1 = x[0] x2 = x[1] with tf.GradientTape() as tape2: feat_flat_std = self.std_layer(x1, training=training) temp_hidden = self.mlp_layer(feat_flat_std, training=training) atpot = self.energy_layer(temp_hidden) grad = tape2.batch_jacobian(atpot, x1) grad = ks.backend.batch_dot(grad, x2, axes=(2, 1)) y_pred = [atpot, grad] elif self.precomputed_features and self.energy_only: x1 = x[0] # x2 = x[1] feat_flat_std = self.std_layer(x1, training=training) temp_hidden = self.mlp_layer(feat_flat_std, training=training) temp_e = self.energy_layer(temp_hidden) temp_g = self.force(x1) y_pred = [temp_e, temp_g] if self.output_as_dict: out = {'energy': y_pred[0], 'force': y_pred[1]} else: out = y_pred return out
[docs] @tf.function def predict_chunk_feature(self, tf_x, training=False): with tf.GradientTape() as tape2: feat_pred = self.feat_layer(tf_x, training=training) # Forward pass grad = tape2.batch_jacobian(feat_pred, tf_x) return feat_pred, grad
[docs] def precompute_feature_in_chunks(self, x, batch_size, training=False): np_x = [] np_grad = [] for j in range(int(np.ceil(len(x) / batch_size))): a = int(batch_size * j) b = int(batch_size * j + batch_size) tf_x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x[a:b], dtype=tf.float32) feat_pred, grad = self.predict_chunk_feature(tf_x, training=training) np_x.append(np.array(feat_pred.numpy())) np_grad.append(np.array(grad.numpy())) np_x = np.concatenate(np_x, axis=0) np_grad = np.concatenate(np_grad, axis=0) return np_x, np_grad
[docs] def fit(self, **kwargs): return super(EnergyGradientModel, self).fit(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_config(self): # conf = super(EnergyGradientModel, self).get_config() conf = {} conf.update({ 'atoms': self.eg_atoms, 'states': self.eg_states, 'invd_index': self.in_invd_index, 'angle_index': self.in_angle_index, 'dihed_index': self.in_dihed_index, 'nn_size': self.nn_size, 'depth': self.depth, 'activ': self.activ, 'use_reg_activ': self.use_reg_activ, 'use_reg_weight': self.use_reg_weight, 'use_reg_bias': self.use_reg_bias, 'use_dropout': self.use_dropout, 'dropout': self.dropout, 'normalization_mode': self.normalization_mode, 'energy_only': self.energy_only, 'precomputed_features': self.precomputed_features, 'output_as_dict': self.output_as_dict, "model_module": self.model_module }) return conf
[docs] def save(self,filepath,**kwargs): # copy to new model self_conf = self.get_config() self_conf['precomputed_features'] = False copy_model = EnergyGradientModel(**self_conf) copy_model.set_weights(self.get_weights()) # Make graph and test with training data copy_model.predict(np.ones((1,self.eg_atoms,3))) tf.keras.models.save_model(copy_model,filepath,**kwargs)
[docs] def call_to_tensor_input(self, x): # No precomputed features necessary return tf.convert_to_tensor(x, dtype=tf.float32)
[docs] def call_to_numpy_output(self, y): if self.output_as_dict: out = {'energy': y[0].numpy(), 'force': y[1].numpy()} else: out = [y[0].numpy(), y[1].numpy()] return out