Source code for pyNNsMD.models.mlp_e

Tensorflow keras model definitions for energy and gradient.

There are two definitions: the subclassed EnergyModel and a precomputed model to 
train energies. The subclassed Model will also predict gradients.

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras as ks

from pyNNsMD.layers.features import FeatureGeometric
from pyNNsMD.layers.mlp import MLP
from pyNNsMD.layers.normalize import ConstLayerNormalization, DummyLayer

[docs]class EnergyModel(ks.Model): """Subclassed tf.keras.model for energy/gradient which outputs both energy and gradient from coordinates. It can also """ def __init__(self, states=1, atoms=2, invd_index=None, angle_index=None, dihed_index=None, nn_size=100, depth=3, activ='selu', use_reg_activ=None, use_reg_weight=None, use_reg_bias=None, use_dropout=False, dropout=0.01, normalization_mode=1, energy_only=True, precomputed_features=False, model_module="mlp_e", **kwargs): super(EnergyModel, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.invd_index = invd_index self.angle_index = angle_index self.dihed_index = dihed_index self.nn_size = nn_size self.depth = depth self.activ = activ self.use_reg_activ = use_reg_activ self.use_reg_weight = use_reg_weight self.use_reg_bias = use_reg_bias self.use_dropout = use_dropout self.dropout = dropout self.normalization_mode = normalization_mode self.out_dim = int(states) self.in_atoms = int(atoms) self.energy_only = energy_only self.model_module = model_module out_dim = int(states) indim = int(atoms) # Allow for all distances, backward compatible if isinstance(invd_index, bool): if invd_index: invd_index = [[i, j] for i in range(0, int(atoms)) for j in range(0, i)] use_invd_index = len(invd_index) > 0 if isinstance( invd_index, list) or isinstance(invd_index, np.ndarray) else False use_angle_index = len(angle_index) > 0 if isinstance( angle_index, list) or isinstance(angle_index, np.ndarray) else False use_dihed_index = len(dihed_index) > 0 if isinstance( dihed_index, list) or isinstance(dihed_index, np.ndarray) else False invd_index = np.array(invd_index, dtype=np.int64) if use_invd_index else None angle_index = np.array(angle_index, dtype=np.int64) if use_angle_index else None dihed_index = np.array(dihed_index, dtype=np.int64) if use_dihed_index else None invd_shape = invd_index.shape if use_invd_index else None angle_shape = angle_index.shape if use_angle_index else None dihed_shape = dihed_index.shape if use_dihed_index else None self.feat_layer = FeatureGeometric( invd_shape=invd_shape, angle_shape=angle_shape, dihed_shape=dihed_shape, name="feat_geo" ) self.feat_layer.set_mol_index(invd_index, angle_index, dihed_index) if normalization_mode == 1: self.std_layer = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization(name='feat_std') elif normalization_mode == 2: self.std_layer = tf.keras.layers.LayerNormalization(name='feat_std') else: self.std_layer = DummyLayer() self.mlp_layer = MLP(nn_size, dense_depth=depth, dense_bias=True, dense_bias_last=True, dense_activ=activ, dense_activ_last=activ, dense_activity_regularizer=use_reg_activ, dense_kernel_regularizer=use_reg_weight, dense_bias_regularizer=use_reg_bias, dropout_use=use_dropout, dropout_dropout=dropout, name='mlp' ) self.energy_layer = ks.layers.Dense(out_dim, name='energy', use_bias=True, activation='linear') # Build all layers self.precomputed_features = False, indim, 3)) self.precomputed_features = precomputed_features
[docs] def call(self, data, training=False, **kwargs): """Call the model output, forward pass. Args: data (tf.tensor): Coordinates. training (bool, optional): Training Mode. Defaults to False. Returns: y_pred (list): List of tf.tensor for predicted [energy,gradient] """ # Unpack the data x = data y_pred = None # Compute predictions if self.energy_only and not self.precomputed_features: feat_flat = self.feat_layer(x) feat_flat_std = self.std_layer(feat_flat, training=training) temp_hidden = self.mlp_layer(feat_flat_std, training=training) temp_e = self.energy_layer(temp_hidden) y_pred = temp_e elif not self.energy_only and not self.precomputed_features: with tf.GradientTape() as tape2: feat_flat = self.feat_layer(x) feat_flat_std = self.std_layer(feat_flat, training=training) temp_hidden = self.mlp_layer(feat_flat_std, training=training) temp_e = self.energy_layer(temp_hidden) temp_g = tape2.batch_jacobian(temp_e, x) y_pred = [temp_e, temp_g] elif self.precomputed_features: x1 = x[0] feat_flat_std = self.std_layer(x1, training=training) temp_hidden = self.mlp_layer(feat_flat_std, training=training) temp_e = self.energy_layer(temp_hidden) y_pred = temp_e return y_pred
[docs] @tf.function def predict_chunk_feature(self, tf_x, training=False): with tf.GradientTape() as tape2: feat_pred = self.feat_layer(tf_x, training=training) # Forward pass grad = tape2.batch_jacobian(feat_pred, tf_x) return feat_pred, grad
[docs] def precompute_feature_in_chunks(self, x, batch_size, training=False): np_x = [] np_grad = [] for j in range(int(np.ceil(len(x) / batch_size))): a = int(batch_size * j) b = int(batch_size * j + batch_size) tf_x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x[a:b], dtype=tf.float32) feat_pred, grad = self.predict_chunk_feature(tf_x, training=training) np_x.append(np.array(feat_pred.numpy())) np_grad.append(np.array(grad.numpy())) np_x = np.concatenate(np_x, axis=0) np_grad = np.concatenate(np_grad, axis=0) return np_x, np_grad
[docs] def fit(self, **kwargs): return super(EnergyModel, self).fit(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_config(self): conf = {} conf.update({ 'states': self.out_dim, 'atoms': self.in_atoms, 'invd_index': self.invd_index, 'angle_index': self.angle_index, 'dihed_index': self.dihed_index, 'nn_size': self.nn_size, 'depth': self.depth, 'activ': self.activ, 'use_reg_activ': self.use_reg_activ, 'use_reg_weight': self.use_reg_weight, 'use_reg_bias': self.use_reg_bias, 'use_dropout': self.use_dropout, 'dropout': self.dropout, 'normalization_mode': self.normalization_mode, "energy_only": self.energy_only, "precomputed_features": self.precomputed_features, "model_module": self.model_module }) return conf
[docs] def save(self, filepath, **kwargs): # copy to new model self_conf = self.get_config() self_conf['precomputed_features'] = False copy_model = EnergyModel(**self_conf) copy_model.set_weights(self.get_weights()) # Make graph and test with training data copy_model.predict(np.ones((1, self.in_atoms, 3))) tf.keras.models.save_model(copy_model, filepath, **kwargs)
[docs] def call_to_tensor_input(self, x): # No precomputed features necessary return tf.convert_to_tensor(x, dtype=tf.float32)
[docs] def call_to_numpy_output(self, y): if not self.energy_only: return [y[0].numpy(), y[1].numpy()] return y.numpy()